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Bruel&Kjaer QR2007 Monophonic Gliding Frequency Record – 20-20000 c/s 45 rpm
Frequency Sweeps: logarithmic 20 c/s to 20 kc/s in 15 seconds
Recording Characteristic: IEC Standard no 3 without treble emphasis (constant velocity above 1 kc/s)
Recorded Velocity at 1 kc/s: 3.16 cm/s rms
Bands 1-10: lateral cut
Bruel&Kjaer QR2008 Pick-up Test Record: spot frequencies, reference tones, lateral and vertical tracking, log sweep
Section 1: spot frequencies 20-16-12.5-10kc/s,0.6cm/s rms at 45deg
Band 1: 45 deg left modulation (A)
Band 2: 45 deg right modulation (B)
Section 2: reference tones 1kc/s, 4x60 sec, 2.24 cm/s rms at 45deg (3.16 cm/s lateral or vertical)
Band 1: 45 deg left (A)
Band 2: 45 deg right (B)
Band 3: lateral (A+B)
Band 4: vertical (A-B)
Section 3: lateral tracking test, 100 c/s (A+B), 6x15 sec
Band 1: 0.001 cm/s peak amplitude
Band 2: 0.002 cm/s peak amplitude
Band 3: 0.003 cm/s peak amplitude
Band 4: 0.004 cm/s peak amplitude
Band 5: 0.005 cm/s peak amplitude
Section 4: vertical tracking test, same as section 3, vertical (A-B) modulation
Section 5: log frequency sweeps, 10 c/s – 100 c/s, 16.6 sec, 0.00113 cm/s peak constant amplitude
Band 1: 45 deg left (A)
Band 2: 45 deg right (B)
Band 3: lateral (A+B)
Band 4: vertical (A-B)
Section 6: same as section 1 but with small groove speed
Bruel&Kjaer QR2009 Stereophonic Gliding Frequency Record, 20 - 20000 c/s, 45rpm
Frequency Sweeps: logarithmic 20 c/s to 20 kc/s in 50 seconds
Recording Characteristic: IEC Standard no 3 without treble emphasis (constant velocity above 1 kc/s)
Recorded Velocity at 1 kc/s: 2.24 cm/s rms in 45 deg modulation, (3.16 cm/s rms in lateral and vertical modulations)
Bands 1 and 5: 45 deg left modulation (A)
Bands 2 and 6: 45 deg right modulation (B)
Bands 3 and 7: lateral modulation (A+B)
Bands 4 and 8: vertical modulation (A-B)
Frequency Sweeps: logarithmic 20 c/s to 20 kc/s in 15 seconds
Recording Characteristic: IEC Standard no 3 without treble emphasis (constant velocity above 1 kc/s)
Recorded Velocity at 1 kc/s: 3.16 cm/s rms
Bands 1-10: lateral cut
Bruel&Kjaer QR2008 Pick-up Test Record: spot frequencies, reference tones, lateral and vertical tracking, log sweep
Section 1: spot frequencies 20-16-12.5-10kc/s,0.6cm/s rms at 45deg
Band 1: 45 deg left modulation (A)
Band 2: 45 deg right modulation (B)
Section 2: reference tones 1kc/s, 4x60 sec, 2.24 cm/s rms at 45deg (3.16 cm/s lateral or vertical)
Band 1: 45 deg left (A)
Band 2: 45 deg right (B)
Band 3: lateral (A+B)
Band 4: vertical (A-B)
Section 3: lateral tracking test, 100 c/s (A+B), 6x15 sec
Band 1: 0.001 cm/s peak amplitude
Band 2: 0.002 cm/s peak amplitude
Band 3: 0.003 cm/s peak amplitude
Band 4: 0.004 cm/s peak amplitude
Band 5: 0.005 cm/s peak amplitude
Section 4: vertical tracking test, same as section 3, vertical (A-B) modulation
Section 5: log frequency sweeps, 10 c/s – 100 c/s, 16.6 sec, 0.00113 cm/s peak constant amplitude
Band 1: 45 deg left (A)
Band 2: 45 deg right (B)
Band 3: lateral (A+B)
Band 4: vertical (A-B)
Section 6: same as section 1 but with small groove speed
Bruel&Kjaer QR2009 Stereophonic Gliding Frequency Record, 20 - 20000 c/s, 45rpm
Frequency Sweeps: logarithmic 20 c/s to 20 kc/s in 50 seconds
Recording Characteristic: IEC Standard no 3 without treble emphasis (constant velocity above 1 kc/s)
Recorded Velocity at 1 kc/s: 2.24 cm/s rms in 45 deg modulation, (3.16 cm/s rms in lateral and vertical modulations)
Bands 1 and 5: 45 deg left modulation (A)
Bands 2 and 6: 45 deg right modulation (B)
Bands 3 and 7: lateral modulation (A+B)
Bands 4 and 8: vertical modulation (A-B)