suurel helitugevusel hakkab woofer pragisema rms on 150w ja võimu rms 110w.kas kast võib olla liiga väike? mõlemad 4oomi.woofer 10tolli ca 45l inverterkast
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probleem supakaga
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Esmalt postitatud Agen0 pooltAsi ongi nii et kui sul on võimul väiksem rms kui kõlaril, hakkab kõrgematel vol. heli moonduma ja mis võib kõlari aja jooksul ka ära lõhkuda. Kui tahad kõvemini kuulata, siis sul läheb vaja võimsamat võimu.
Vs: probleem supakaga
Esmalt postitatud Agen0 poolt"kandilist"/clipped signal-it
Clippimine on (loodan, et saad inglise k. aru):
*In audio equipment, severe distortion caused by a signal whose peak level exceeds the capabilities of the device processing the signal. Results in the flattening of the signal peaks as if they had been "clipped" off.
*Refers to a type of distortion that occurs when an amplifier is driven into an overload condition. Usually the "clipped" waveform contains an excess of high-frequency energy. The sound becomes hard and edgy. Hard clipping is the most frequent cause of "burned out" tweeters. Even a low-powered amplifier or receiver driven into clipping can damage tweeters which would otherwise last virtually forever.
*Buzzing or static distortion in an audio signal resulting from excessively high input volume level.
*Distortion due to overloading of an audio signal. In the Analogue domain this is normally caused by the peak signal voltage being limited by the audio circuits' power supply voltage.
"Kandiline" signaal:
*This waveform is similar to the sine wave except that the transitions from negative maximum to positive maximum are abrupt. Most domestic invertor’s supply a square wave as it is simple to generate.
*A wave shape that rises instantaneously to a constant value that is maintained for a set time interval, after which it instantaneously falls to a new value. The term "square" wave is a misnomer since, invariably, the wave shape produced is rectangular and not strictly square.
*Waveform which when drawn graphically consists of straight up, straight across, straight down, straight across, straight up, and so on. In terms of frequency content it consists of a fundamental and all of the odd harmonics in certain proportions. The significance of a square wave in amplifier testing is that frequency response and presence of certain distortions can be evaluated by examining on an oscillocope the reproduction of square waves of just a few different fundamental frequencies.
*A waveform that increases suddenly from a base level to another level, remains at that level for a certain time interval, then abruptly returns to the base level for the same or a different time interval, and repeats this behavior periodically. The modulating waveform of a pulsed radar approximates a square wave.
*A rectangular-shaped (step-function) periodic wave with a positive and negative half-cycle of equal lengths of time or duration. A square wave consists of a sine wave's fundamental frequency combined with the odd harmonics (multiples) of its fundamental frequency.
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Vs: probleem supakaga
Inverterkast?!Pane torud kinni ja proovi siis.The difference between genius and idiot?! Genius has its limits...
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Vs: probleem supakaga
Esmalt postitatud Silver pooltSiin on sul nüüd midagi valesti aru saadud.
Need on erinevad asjad.
Normaalne signaal selline:
Results in the flattening of the signal peaks as if they had been "clipped" off. Ehk siis tekib "kandiline" signaal. Seda võib teha equalizeriga või võimu liiga kõva peale keeramisega.
Vs: probleem supakaga
Esmalt postitatud Cheopps pooltInverterkast?!Pane torud kinni ja proovi siis.