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Kus müüakse speakereid?

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    Vs: Kus müüakse speakereid?

    audiodesign kirjutab:


    Esindame www.tymphany.com neid kaubamärke. Kui midagi sealt leiate siis
    saAme tellida."

    Kahjuks vöhemalt 6" lairiba sealt ei leidnud.


      Vs: Kus müüakse speakereid?

      Vanemat Radiotehnika elemendid ja otse tehasest Tartus Tondi Elektroonikas...
      50ZT 8" bassikas- 410.-
      75ZT 10" bassikas- 550.-
      Samuti valik radiotehnika ja muid kõlareid, suht soodsad hinnad ka...
      Fools and fanatics are always certain of themselves, but wiser people are full of doubts


        Vs: Kus müüakse speakereid?

        Lisan paar piiritagust linki: http://www.solen.ca , http://lautsprecherkauf.com


          Vs: Kus müüakse speakereid?


          Soovitan sul alustada visatoni elementidega, kui kogemused alles algfaasis.

          Elemendid on kergesti kättesaadavad ja palju abi leiad ka visatoni lehelt:



            Vs: Kus müüakse speakereid?

            Esmalt postitatud Fos poolt

            Soovitan sul alustada visatoni elementidega, kui kogemused alles algfaasis.

            Elemendid on kergesti kättesaadavad ja palju abi leiad ka visatoni lehelt:

            Visatonilt on lairiba kõlariks ainult üks variant: BG20. Ilmselt selle valingi. B200 jääb kalliks.


              Vs: Kus müüakse speakereid?

              B200-d mängivad mul dipoolis vist juba 4 aastat. Võin soovitada, nad jänni ei jää, kui just tümakakummardaja pole. Oma kõrge (ja tõepoolest!) tundlikkusega on lambi taga see õige asi.


                Enquiry from Wilmslow Audio Ltd Online Catalog

                Thank you for your enquiry.

                Yes we do ship to Estonia and the shipping cost will be 30.00 GB pounds

                Total - 2 x FE166E at 57.00 each plus 30.00 = 144.00 GBP

                We hope that the above will be of interest and look forward to hearing from you again soon.

                Vastus Wilmslow Audio veebipoest.


                  Vs: Kus müüakse speakereid?

                  mingil ajal kui uurisin, siis fostexid ja lowtherid tundusid siin soodaimad olema

                  BD-Design, designer and manufacturer of the famous Oris front horns and initiator to use front horns in combination with high sensitive full-range drive units for optimal performance. We started our company in 1996 and it has grown naturally due to increasing interest in the designs and development of our extremely good sounding loudspeaker systems as out main products.


                    Vs: Kus müüakse speakereid?

                    CommonSense Audio to me
                    show details Mar 29 (1 day ago) Reply


                    Thank you for your inquiry.

                    Because they are such high quality, a pair of Audio Nirvana speakers is very heavy.....from 9 to 24 kilos per pair. Here are the TOTAL prices for one pair of speakers (2) INCLUDING airmail shipping:

                    Speakers and shipping by Priority Mail International (6 to 10 days with online tracking number):

                    Super 15 Cast Frame: 630/pr
                    Super 12 Cast Frame: 380
                    Super 12: 340
                    Super 10 Cast Frame: 330
                    Super 10: 290
                    Super 8 ALNICO 560
                    Super 8 Cast Frame: 280
                    Super 8: 250
                    Standard 8: 220
                    Super 6.5 Cast Frame 260
                    Super 6.5: 230
                    Standard 6.5: 200

                    We will be happy to include a free set of cabinet construction plans, a parts list, and setup tips for any of our eleven different cabinet designs.

                    We can accept your credit card directly if you furnish your credit card number, expiration date, billing address, and security number from the back (last three digits). Or, you can use your credit card with Paypal (www.paypal.com). Are you familiar with this service? You just register your credit card or bank account there and then click on the 'Send Money' tab at the top. Fill in our email address where it says 'Who' to send money to. Our email address is SPEAKERS@CHARTER.NET. Please provide your shipping address and telephone number and what type of plans you want. There is no charge to you for this service.

                    It is also possible to make a wire transfer directly to our bank account. We also accept International Postal Money Orders or Western Union money transfers.

                    We're also happy to undervalue the shipment to save you money with customs. Many customers ask us to declare a value of $50/pr. However, this lower amount must also be the insured value. You will only receive this lower amount if there is loss or damage.

                    Let us know if you have more questions or would like to order.

                    Please include your telephone number with your order.

                    Regards, David Dicks

                    Please visit CommonSense Audio for Audio Nirvana, Lowther, PAudio, and Fostex speakers;
                    used hi-fi eqpt, vacuum tubes, audio literature and a reference list of quality CD's:

                    Audio Nirvana Lowther Fostex DIY Full Range Speaker Kits, DIY full range speaker projects. Open Baffle speakers, EL84 vacuum tube amplifiers.


                      Vs: Kus müüakse speakereid?

                      Siin http://www.bmm-electronics.com/intro.asp on ka ühtteist sobiva hinnaga, nii on mulle tundunud.
                      Kui tõde võib välja öelda ainult sosinal, on riigi vallutanud vaenlane.

