My name is Georgi, I live in Sofia-Bulgaria, 58 years old,I have a happy family in 37 years and i am grandfather.
I have been duer of the time, when I remember myself- such was the socialist system.
A few days ago I made a registration in this forum and wrote a letter to the moderator, to tell me, which language to communicate with you - I have no answer and I decided to write in English/ I can also in Russian/, but I'm not sure,are this language is used in this forum .
A model of my DIY loudspeakers i have served Ti6k- JBL. My first contact with
them, was in distant 2005.
I started working with them in 2009 and finished in 2012.
The loudspeakers are "SEAS"- Excel / Tw-1”, Mw-5”for center 2? 5.5”,Bass-8,5”/ and cross-over parts- "Intertechnik".
Nominal impedance- 8 OhFreguency Range 30Hz-20kHzCharacterstic Sensitivity(2,83V/1m)- 87db
Long Term-110W.
Have are some pictures, if there is interest, i will continue.
My name is Georgi, I live in Sofia-Bulgaria, 58 years old,I have a happy family in 37 years and i am grandfather.
I have been duer of the time, when I remember myself- such was the socialist system.
A few days ago I made a registration in this forum and wrote a letter to the moderator, to tell me, which language to communicate with you - I have no answer and I decided to write in English/ I can also in Russian/, but I'm not sure,are this language is used in this forum .
A model of my DIY loudspeakers i have served Ti6k- JBL. My first contact with
them, was in distant 2005.
I started working with them in 2009 and finished in 2012.
The loudspeakers are "SEAS"- Excel / Tw-1”, Mw-5”for center 2? 5.5”,Bass-8,5”/ and cross-over parts- "Intertechnik".
Nominal impedance- 8 OhFreguency Range 30Hz-20kHzCharacterstic Sensitivity(2,83V/1m)- 87db
Long Term-110W.
Have are some pictures, if there is interest, i will continue.