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Kineskoobil punane värv nihkes

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    Kineskoobil punane värv nihkes

    Pilt ütleb rohkem kui...

    Serva poole läheb hullemaks, punane mõne pixli võrra vasakule nihkes. Kuidas ja kas saaks ise midagi ära teha? Sinine värv ei häiri, aga punane kraabib silma subtiitritega. Mudel sony trinitron KV-32FX68E.

    Vs: Kineskoobil punane värv nihkes

    Leidsin hea kerge kokkuvõtte.
    Allikas: http://repairfaq.ece.drexel.edu/REPAIR/F_tvfaq3.html

    21.12) CRT purity and convergence problems

    Purity assures that each of the beams for the 3 primary colors - red, green,and blue - strikes only the proper phosphor dots for that color. A totallyred scene will appear pure red and so forth. Symptoms of poor purity areblotches of discoloration on the screen. Objects will change shades of colorwhen the move from one part of the screen to another.Convergence refers to the control of the instantaneous positions of the red,green, and blue spots as they scan across the face of the CRT so that they areas nearly coincident as possible. Symptoms of poor convergence are coloredborders on solid objects or visible separate R, G, and B images of fine linesor images,Note: It is probably best to face the set East-West (front-to-back) whenperforming any purity and convergence adjustments. Since you probably do notknow what orientation will eventually be used, this is the best compromiseas the earth's magnetic field will be aligned mostly across the CRT. This willminimize the possible rotation of the picture when the unit is moved to itsfinal position but there may be a position shift. Neither of these is thatsignificant so it probably doesn't really matter that much unless you aresuper fussy. Of course, if you know the final orientation of the TV in yourentertainment center - and you don't expect to be redecorating, use thatinstead. Or, plan to do the final tilt and position adjustments after the setis in position - but this will probably require access to the inside!First, make sure no sources of strong magnetic fields are in the vicinity ofthe TV - loudspeakers, refrigerator magnets, MRI scanners, etc. A nearbylightning strike or EMP from a nuclear explosion can also affect purity.Cycle power a couple of times to degauss the CRT (1 minute on, 20 minutesoff) - see the section: "Degaussing (demagnetizing) a CRT". If the builtin degaussing circuits have no effect, use an external manual degaussing coil.Assuming this doesn't help, you will need to set the internal purityand/or convergence adjustments on the CRT. Modern CRTs usually use acombination of a series of magnetized moveable rings on the neck, and yokeposition and orientation to set purity and convergence.First, mark the positions of all adjustments - use white paint, 'White out',or a Magic Marker on the ring magnets on the neck of the CRT, the positionand tilt of the deflection yoke, and any other controls that you may touchdeliberately or by accident.However, if your set is still of the type with a drawer or panel of knobsfor these adjustments, don't even think about doing anything withouta service manual and follow it to the letter unless the functions of allthe knobs is clearly marked (some manufacturers actually do a pretty goodjob of this).Note: some CRTs do not have any adjustable rings for purity (and staticconvergence). Either an internal structure in the neck of the CRT or anexternal 'permalloy' sleeve is permanently magnetized at the factory andthere is not way of tweaking it in the field. However, it may be possibleto use a normal set of magnet rings in addition to or in place of it tocorrect for purity or convergence problems due to loss of magnetism dueto age or someone waving a 10 pound magnet near the CRT neck!
    21.13) CRT purity adjustment

    Purity on modern CRTs is usually set by a combination of a set of ringmagnets just behind the deflection yoke on the neck of the CRT and theposition of the yoke fore-aft. As always, mark the starting position ofall the rings and make sure you are adjusting the correct set if rings!Use the following purity adjustment procedure as a general guide only.Depending on the particular model TV, the following purity adjustmentprocedure may substitute green for red depending on the arrangement of theguns in the CRT. This description is based on the Sams' Photofact for the RCACTC111C chassis which uses a slot-mask CRT. The procedures for dot-maskand Trinitron (aperture grille) CRTs will vary slightly. See you servicemanual!Obtain a white raster (sometimes there is a test point that can be groundedto force this). Then, turn down the bias controls for blue and green sothat you have a pure red raster. Let the set warm up for a minimum of15 minutes.Loosen the deflection yoke clamp and move the yoke as far back as it will go,Adjust the purity magnets to center the red vertical raster on the screen.Move the yoke forward until you have the best overall red purity.Now, move the yoke forward until you have the best overall red purity.Tighten the clamp securely and reinstall the rubber wedges (if you sethas these) to stabilize the yoke position. Reset the video adjustmentsyou touched to get a red raster.
    21.14) CRT convergence adjustment

    In the good old days when TVs were TVs (and not just a picture tube witha little circuit board attached) there were literally drawers full ofknobs for setting convergence. One could spend hours and still end upwith a less than satisfactory picture. As the technology progressed,the number of electronic adjustments went down drastically so that todaythere are very few if any.Unless you want a lot of frustration, I would recommend not messing withconvergence. You could end up a lot worse. I have no idea what is usedfor convergence on your set but convergence adjustments are neverquite independent of one another. You could find an adjustment thatfixes the problem you think you have only to discover some other areaof the screen is totally screwed. In addition, there are adjustmentsfor geometry and purity and maybe others that you may accidentally movewithout even knowing it until you have buttoned up the set.Warning: Accurately mark the original positions - sometimes you will changesomething that will not have an obvious effect but will be noticeablelater on. So it is extremely important to be able to get back to whereyou started. If only red/green vertical lines are offset, then it islikely that only a single ring needs to be moved - and by just a hair.But, you may accidentally move something else!If you really cannot live with it, make sure you mark everything verycarefully so you can get back to your current state. A service manual isessential!Convergence is set using a white crosshatch or dot test pattern. If youdo not have a test pattern generator, any static scene (from a camcorderor previously recorded tape, for example) with a lot of fine detail willsuffice. Turn the color control all the way down so you have a B/W picture.Static convergence sets the beams to be coincident in the exact center ofthe screen. This is done using a set of ring magnets behind the puritymagnets on the CRT neck.From the Sams' for the RCA CTC111C: "adjust the center set of magnets toconverge blue to green at the center of the screen. Adjust the rear setof magnets to converge red to green at the center of the screen." Yourset may have a slightly different procedure.Dynamic convergence adjusts for coincidence at the edges and corners.On old tube, hybrid, and early solid state TVs, dynamic convergence wasaccomplished with electronic adjustments of which there may have beena dozen or more that were not independent. With modern sets, all convergenceis done with magnet rings on the neck of the CRT, magnets glued to the CRT,and by tilting the deflection yoke. The clamp in conjunction with rubberwedges or set screws assures that the yoke remains in position.From the Sams' for the RCA CTC111C: "Loosen the screws at the 6 o'clock and10 o'clock positions to permit the yoke to be tilted vertically. Rock yokeup and down to converge the right and left sides of the screen. Tighten screwat 6 o'clock and loosen screw at 3 o'clock to permit the yoke to be tiltedhorizontally. Rock yoke from side to side to converge the top and bottomof the screen. Tighten screws at 3 o'clock and 10 o'clock."Many sets simply use the main clamp which locks the yoke to the neck of theCRT in conjunction with rubber wedges between the yoke and the funnel ofthe CRT to stabilize the yoke position position.Refer to your service manual. (Is this beginning to sound repetitious?)


      Vs: Kineskoobil punane värv nihkes

      Covergence on jah siin võtmesõna. Selle paika ajamine on paras pain in the ass, kui telekas üldse lubab seda reguleerida. Võid paar päeva tegeleda ja ikka paremaks ei pruugi saada.
      Üldiselt on 1 kiir fikseeritud ning 2 teist kiirt liigutatakse selle 1 suhtes.
      Tähtis on ka teada, kas kruvid liigutavad kiirt üles-alla või diagonaalis. See lihtsustab paika ajamist mingil määral.
      Ja paika ajamisel tuleb jälgida 9 punkti ekraanil. 8 äärtes ning 1 keskel (3x3). Kõik peavad paigas olema (sa ise näed ka, et keskel on praegu enam-vähem, aga ääred lähevad hullemaks).


        Vs: Kineskoobil punane värv nihkes

        Aga millepärast see kokkujooks üldse ära nihkus ?


          Vs: Kineskoobil punane värv nihkes

          Ehk on kusagile pandud tugeva magnetväljaga seade või on transpordi käigus midagi nihkunud. Lisaks kõigele muule mehaanika ka kulub. Liimid ja muud kinnitusvahendid võivad aja jooksul omadusi kaotada.
          Projektoritel pean aeg-ajalt reguleerima, kui on palju transportimist. Hetkel 1 projektoril 1 värv 1px kõrval, aga seda ei ole veel pildis näha.


            Vs: Kineskoobil punane värv nihkes

            Nagu jutust selgus, siis võivad ka ring magnetid ajaga osaliselt oma magnetiseeritust kaotada. Tundub paras närvesööv tegevus, aga arvutiga saab staatilised test patternid ette manada ja service manuali kaasabiga saab ehk jagu.

            Midagi magnetvälja tekitavat läheduses pole, viga pikemat aega. Alustamiseks prooviks demagnetiseerimise "1 minute on, 20 minutes off" tsüklilise variandi ära.


              Vs: Kineskoobil punane värv nihkes

              Pakuks välja, et realaotuses elektroonika on otsad andnud. Võta skeem ette ja hakka uurima, netis täiesti saadaval. Seal realaotuses posu väljakaid ja muid juppe, mis peaksid olema seotud kiirte kokkujooksu korrektsiooniga.

