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Ilet 110 REWIND trouble

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    Ilet 110 REWIND trouble

    Dear Friends,

    I have an Ilet 110. It is a funny machine and my only Russian one. It seems that the engineers did a lot hard work on constructing it. There are only a few tape recorders with that much electronics inside.
    But there is 2 problems:
    when pressing the REWIND button, it happens the same as if FAST FORWARD would be pressed. The tape moves forward.
    The solenoid for the pins around the heads for lifting the tape is very weak. It works, but is not strong enough.
    Can anybody help me? I would like to know how (on which PCB) the motors and the solenoids are controlled?
    I cannot understand Cyrillic letters and the schematics are very confusing, even the wire numbers are not very readable. So I could not find out the connections of the motors.
    Thanks in advance and..
    many greetings from Istanbul


    PS: Even I live in this country, I do not agree with any of our governments opinions!

    Vs: Ilet 110 REWIND trouble

    Its confusing even for those who understand all these letters and markings and have much experience in elecrtonics...
    Here are some circuit diagrams for this tape player: http://www.rw6ase.narod.ru/00/mg_kat/ilet110sx.djvu.
    I'm pretty sure that the automatics part are on the PCBs in the middle (http://www.rw6ase.narod.ru/00/mg_kat/ilet110_17.jpg), you can also
    check it by seeing where all the wires go from motors/solenoids/buttons to witch PCB they are connected.
    PCBs on the bottom are for audio input/output and so are one on the side, its the pre-amp before power amp on the back.
    Old machines like this need cleaning and re-oiling, also electrolytic capacitors should be replaced with new ones, or maybe its done already ?
    Some users have made new automatics part by replacing logic IC-s with micro-controller, but if your intentions are to keep the original, then you still have to be ready to do some work with it.
    viimati muutis kasutaja Starfish; 01 August 2017, 15:01.


      Re: Vs: Ilet 110 REWIND trouble

      Thank you very much for your answer.
      The wires are so beautiful bound together. To follow them it would be necessary to separate them. But it seems to be the only way. Due to the wires from the button-board, the pcb in the middle left looks like the logic control. But to know this is only the beginning. First I thought the relays are capacitors.
      I had also the idea of using a processor, but the Russian electronic looks for me so nice, I would like to keep it in original. It is different from the Japanese (that I don't like very much) of the western Europeans. Years ago, I used a PIC for a Tandberg TD 20. But that needed also a good understanding of the system.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_0248.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	304,2 KB
ID:	870043
      I will report about my steps...

      Many thanks again.


        Re: Vs: Ilet 110 REWIND trouble

        Dear Friends,
        the problem of this nice machine is fixed. After a late night with studying Cyrillic letters and trying to understand Romanian language (in one of the documents there are Romanian explanations) with the great help of google translator it became clear that the relay (A) has something to do with the REW function. There was not much to loose and I shortened collector and base of the driving transistor VT17. The relay did not work, while it worked by shortening C-E. After the replacement with a BC 546 everything works fine now. It looks like, as the relay controls one of the motors according the requested wind direction.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	ilet-1.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	198,7 KB
ID:	870044

        Thank you very much again for your help.


          Re: Vs: Ilet 110 REWIND trouble

          I know, that what now comes is very difficult, but I think it would also help many other Ilet/Rostov owners: Is it possible to translate the potentiometers and coils on the picture below? Of course, it is a hard job, I know.
          Click image for larger version

Name:	Potis.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	377,8 KB
ID:	870045

          Becuase there are used the same names for more than one pot. I made same letters to seperate it in groups.


            Vs: Re: Vs: Ilet 110 REWIND trouble

            Lets hope its useful for someone.

            From your picture, are all these long wires for prototype purpose or is it finished like this? long wires like those can easily pick up any noise and make circuit unstable.

            As you might know there is one reel-to-reel player very similar to Ilet, its Sojuz110, even the schematics are quite similar or even the same, i haven't checked it so closely. http://www.rw6ase.narod.ru/00/mg_kat_/sojuz110.html

            They both are high-class audio equipment,... in low class, they had only one motor and it didnt have any speed control, it only depended on the mains frequency and a capacitor.
            Also they had only one audio channel, all mechanics had to be operated directly by user (not by solenoids) and they didnt have much control features and they had olny one head (playback/recording).


              Re: Vs: Re: Vs: Ilet 110 REWIND trouble

              Dear Starfish,

              sorry for my delay, I had to travel for a service to a customer outside Istanbul.
              To your questions, the picture was taken at the first attempts. The wires became shorter, but there is no way to do it completely without them. I had no trouble with any interference's. But another big problem occurred: the inputs (or outputs) of the PIC processor are very sensitive and small peaks, may be coming from the wires, disturb the PIC so it makes nonsense and needs a reset. My next step will be to use an Arduino Mega board, that is much easier to program, with opto couplers on all inputs/outputs. By the way, I did this because one of my TD 20's had lost its control-IC (a special made gate array) before it reached me, and on the other, the same IC became faulty, with nearly the same result: broken or damaged tapes.
              The Ilet is really a high-class unit. I had to adjust the heads and removed one. I was surprised to see TEAC heads, both rec and pb. Only the erase head seems to be a Russian one. The whole electronic is very complex. They have used so many parts everywhere. It would so nice to understand all the Russian diagrams.
              Meanwhile there was another fault in the Ilet. One of the big capacitors left to the transformer lost its capacitiy. Everything seemed to be damaged. I saw that the 2 relays did a terrible noise, they tried to pull, but couldn't do it. The oscilloscope showed the reason, the voltage was a half sinus one. Rectified but no capacitor connected. One 2200 uF/50V had reaches the end of its lifetime.
              viimati muutis kasutaja Hamdi Bey; 14 August 2017, 12:06.

