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Belinea EEPROMi probleem

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    Belinea EEPROMi probleem

    Tsitseerin siis üht kirja mis minu emailile saabus


    I saw your post (June 19 2003) to monitor repair forum about a belinea 105035 with no picture & osd. I also have a problem like this, so I kindly ask you to help me, if you can.

    My belinea 105035 had been working for years without trouble, then one day (it happened a few years ago), as I was shutting down the system, a blue box appeared on the screen (like the osd), it said: "EEPROM WRITTEN OK".

    After that the osd and picture was gone. I suppose, the eeprom was cleared. The monitor itself is working, and you can see some artifacts of the picture (like a picture with very low brightness & contrast). The osd doesn't load any more.

    Do you have an idea, how to write some standard data into the eeprom to get the monitor working? Or some other ideas?


    .:Kornel Jahn:.


    mul lahendas selle probleemi sõber felch eepromi kivisse uue data kirjutamisega

    aga mina ei tea sellest datast seal eriti midagi ja paraku veel vähem selle kirjutamise moodustest.
    Andke andeks mulle minu lollid küsimused
    nagu mina annan andeks teile teie rasked vastused