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I saw your post (June 19 2003) to monitor repair forum about a belinea 105035 with no picture & osd. I also have a problem like this, so I kindly ask you to help me, if you can.
My belinea 105035 had been working for years without trouble, then one day (it happened a few years ago), as I was shutting down the system, a blue box appeared on the screen (like the osd), it said: "EEPROM WRITTEN OK".
After that the osd and picture was gone. I suppose, the eeprom was cleared. The monitor itself is working, and you can see some artifacts of the picture (like a picture with very low brightness & contrast). The osd doesn't load any more.
Do you have an idea, how to write some standard data into the eeprom to get the monitor working? Or some other ideas?
.:Kornel Jahn:.
mul lahendas selle probleemi sõber felch eepromi kivisse uue data kirjutamisega
aga mina ei tea sellest datast seal eriti midagi ja paraku veel vähem selle kirjutamise moodustest.
I saw your post (June 19 2003) to monitor repair forum about a belinea 105035 with no picture & osd. I also have a problem like this, so I kindly ask you to help me, if you can.
My belinea 105035 had been working for years without trouble, then one day (it happened a few years ago), as I was shutting down the system, a blue box appeared on the screen (like the osd), it said: "EEPROM WRITTEN OK".
After that the osd and picture was gone. I suppose, the eeprom was cleared. The monitor itself is working, and you can see some artifacts of the picture (like a picture with very low brightness & contrast). The osd doesn't load any more.
Do you have an idea, how to write some standard data into the eeprom to get the monitor working? Or some other ideas?
.:Kornel Jahn:.
mul lahendas selle probleemi sõber felch eepromi kivisse uue data kirjutamisega
aga mina ei tea sellest datast seal eriti midagi ja paraku veel vähem selle kirjutamise moodustest.