Seisan (istun) siin ja vaevan oma pead järgmise lõigu üle.
Ehk on siin mõni vastutulelik härrasmees ja tõlgiks minusugusele maakale ja mitte väga hästi võõrkeelt oskavale inimesele järgmise lõigu.
Oleksin vägagi tänulik. Tegu siis võimendiga.
Remember safety first. The Earth ground going back to the AC outlet in
the wall is connected to the chassis, and then the circuit ground is
connected to the chassis or earth ground through the power thermistor
TH101. Do not neglect this connection. It is very important that the
chassis be earth grounded and that the circuit ground be attached also
to earth ground, either through or without the thermistor. Note that the
earth side of the thermistor connects to the chassis through the
mounting pads of the power supply board. It will be important to use
metal standoffs here and check the connection with an ohmmeter or
otherwise hardwire the connection of thermistor to chassis ground.
Ehk on siin mõni vastutulelik härrasmees ja tõlgiks minusugusele maakale ja mitte väga hästi võõrkeelt oskavale inimesele järgmise lõigu.
Oleksin vägagi tänulik. Tegu siis võimendiga.
Remember safety first. The Earth ground going back to the AC outlet in
the wall is connected to the chassis, and then the circuit ground is
connected to the chassis or earth ground through the power thermistor
TH101. Do not neglect this connection. It is very important that the
chassis be earth grounded and that the circuit ground be attached also
to earth ground, either through or without the thermistor. Note that the
earth side of the thermistor connects to the chassis through the
mounting pads of the power supply board. It will be important to use
metal standoffs here and check the connection with an ohmmeter or
otherwise hardwire the connection of thermistor to chassis ground.