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    kui panen vanemale emaplaadile(max 330 mhz) nt. 75 mhz proze(prose tüüp sobib,ema toetab inteli oma),siis peaks töötama ju?ainult, et kas socket sobib.
    et proovida lihtsalt overklokkimist, kuigi eriti kasu pole, harjutamiseks.

    proze ise selline:url

    ja ema see:Intel MU440EX
    tel 53729764

    emaplaadil on tavaliselt manuali märgitud, mis vahemikus prosesid ta toetab.
    alla ja yle selle ei lähe lihtsalt tööle.


      Originally posted by -8o-@Jul 7 2005, 21:50
      emaplaadil on tavaliselt manuali märgitud, mis vahemikus prosesid ta toetab.
      alla ja yle selle ei lähe lihtsalt tööle.
      see tõsijutt !
      on ise järgigi proovitud !


        Esimene tulemus googlest on siin.

        Olenevalt mutist kas
        Supports both Pentium II processors with 66 MHz Front Side Bus and Intel Celeron processors 266, 300, 300A, 333, 366 and 400 MHz:
        Supports only Intel® Celeron® processors 266, 300, 300A, 333, 366, and 400 MHz:


          nüüd arvutit lahti kiskudes nägin, et seda prosset ei anna sinn a kuidagi sobitada.
          mida 75hz prosega peale prügikasti veel teha on?
          tel 53729764


            Osad mehed on sellest võtmehoidja teinud
            Kevad- Till tõuseb ja hernes tahab keppi


              lutsu saad ka visata :P


                mida 75hz prosega peale prügikasti veel teha on?
                75 Hertzise prose saad kasvõi imelooma pähe maha müüa :P



                  Sodi sinna hariliku pliiatsiga 4GHz peale. Siis trükid notebadis tale mingi mauali ja "rull" kukub :P
                  Kevad- Till tõuseb ja hernes tahab keppi


                    Head teravad jalad prozel- saab selga sügada :P :P

                    EDIT: ma katsetasid g2ngsteri soovitatud asja ära: prose on mingilt iidvanalt arvutilt kus oli peal 3 proze :P .
                    Nüüd tuleb leida heausklik ostja :lol:
                    Aga litsens ja kasutusjuhend tulid pullid :P
                    Transistor - Seadeldis, mis kaitseb sulavkaitset läbipõlemise eest.
                    Ostan Goldstar MODEL 760 Ressiiveri. Ükskõik, mis seisus.


                      müün siis 750mhz proset(ventilaatori saate kaasa) ainult 300 eeku
                      soovi korral ka manual.
                      tel 53729764


                        Näitad teistele ka litsentsi ja kasutusjuhendit?
                        Kevad- Till tõuseb ja hernes tahab keppi


                          ok müün enda proze kah maha siis: AMD 64 4GHz ja aint 10,000.
                          Kuulge, poes on kõige võimsam 3.6 GHz.
                          Ja made in usa.


                          :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::AMD:::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

                          AMD corporation. 4.0 GigaHerz proccecor.
                          AMD Plug&Pay proccesor.
                          ``AMD`` and ``AMD 64`` are trademarks and it`s illegalt to say it.
                          User manual: It`s werry neccesary to be installed by a nuclearphysyc.
                          Connect respectively rigth polarity.Do not recharge.May explode in fire.
                          made for soccet 939 or 754 (depends or type).
                          Note: after removing some pins can be connected to soccetA

                          Licence:Please read the terms and conditions of this license agreement (the "License")
                          before installing the computer procceccor (the "proccesor"). By installing and using the processor you
                          accept and agree to the terms of this License. This License constitutes the entire agreement
                          concerning the processor between you and Lavasoft AB and it supersedes any prior proposal
                          or representation. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, promptly de-install the
                          Software and, if you paid for a License, contact your distributor for a refund of the amount that you paid.
                          The term "proccessor" includes, and these terms and conditions also apply to, any updates,
                          modifications and upgrades to the Software that you may receive from time to time.
                          1. License Grant
                          This License permits you, as purchaser of the Software, to use one copy of the Software
                          solely for your use on one computer per purchased copy of the software, or, for users of
                          Windows® Terminal Server ("WTF?"), solely for use by users covered under the OMFG
                          License. The enclosed documentation ("Documentation") may not be copied. You agree
                          that you will not sublicense, assign, transfer, distribute, pledge, lease, rent or share your
                          rights under this License except with prior written permission from Lavasoft AB. You agree
                          that you will not modify, adapt or translate, or disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer or
                          otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Software.
                          2. Standard Maintenance and Support
                          All updates/upgrades for your purchased edition (regardless of build or version) are free
                          of charge for the year following your purchase of the Software. On each anniversary of
                          your initial purchase, you will be required to pay the yearly maintenance and support fee
                          in accordance with the then applicable price list to continue receiving updates/upgrades for that
                          following year.
                          3. Lavasoft AB's Rights
                          You acknowledge and agree that the Software and Documentation (the "Licensed Products"
                          ) are proprietary products of Lavasoft AB under international copyright law and disclosed to
                          you by Lavasoft AB in confidence. You shall take all reasonable steps to safeguard the Licensed
                          Products. Lavasoft AB owns and retains all copyright, trademark, trade secret and other proprietary
                          rights in and to the Licensed Products. This License conveys to you only a non-exclusive and limited
                          right of use, revocable in accordance with the terms and conditions of this License.
                          4. Service Level Agreements
                          Support services may be purchased under separate agreement with Lavasoft AB.
                          5. Limited Warranty
                          Lavasoft AB warrants that for your benefit alone, for ninety (90) days from the day of delivery to you
                          (the "Warranty Period") the Software media, under normal use in a compatible execution environment
                          , will be free from defects in material and workmanship. Any replacement program will be warranted for
                          the remainder of the original warranty period or thirty (30) days from the date of receipt by you
                          , whichever is longer. In no event may you bring any claim, action or proceeding arising out of the
                          warranty set forth in this Article 4 more than six (6) months after the date on which the breach of warranty occurred.
                          6. Exceptions to Warranties; Disclaimers
                          PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Lavasoft AB does not warrant that the Software, its use, operation or
                          your ability to use the Software will be uninterrupted or error-free or that all Software errors will be
                          corrected. The warranty set forth above shall not apply to any defect or problems caused by any
                          defect in any hardware or software used in combination with the Software, or use of the Software
                          in execution environments not specified in the Documentation. Lavasoft AB does not warrant that
                          the Software or service will meet your requirements or that the operation of the Software will be
                          uninterrupted or error free.
                          Lavasoft AB’s limited warranty is void if a breach of the warranty has resulted from (i) accident,
                          corruption or misuse of the Software; or (ii) acts or omissions by someone other than Lavasoft AB.
                          7. Refund Policy
                          Lavasoft AB will refund the full price of the Software if the Software is damaged or defective, and
                          only if you notify Lavasoft AB of the refund request within fourteen (14) days of the date you purchased
                          the Software.
                          8. Exclusive Remedies
                          You agree that if, during the Warranty Period, a defect in the Software media appears, your exclusive
                          remedy will be, in Lavasoft AB's sole option, to replace the media or to credit the amounts paid by you
                          to Lavasoft AB, if any, and terminate this License. The later remedy is subject to the return of all copies
                          of the Licensed Products.
                          9. Limitations of Liability
                          In no event shall Lavasoft AB be liable for any damages to you or any other party whether arising out
                          of contract or from tort including loss of data, profits or business or other special, incidental, exemplary
                          or consequential damages, even if Lavasoft AB has been advised of the possibility of such loss or
                          damages. Lavasoft AB’s cumulative liability shall not exceed the license fee paid, if any, for use of
                          this Software and Documentation. This section shall survive termination of this License.
                          10. Termination
                          This agreement is in effect until terminated. You may terminate the agreement at any time by
                          destroying all copies of the Software and Documentation and erasing any copies on storage
                          media. The agreement also terminates if you fail to comply with any terms and conditions of this
                          agreement. In such event, you agree to destroy and erase all copies of the Software and
                          Documentation, and Lavasoft AB will be entitled to all remedies in accordance with applicable law.
                          11. General
                          This agreement shall be governed by the laws of Sweden.
                          12. Contact
                          Use of the Software other than for your internal operations on a single computer requires that you
                          have entered into a separate license agreement with Lavasoft AB. Please e-mail sales@lavasoft.de
                          for further information.
                          Transistor - Seadeldis, mis kaitseb sulavkaitset läbipõlemise eest.
                          Ostan Goldstar MODEL 760 Ressiiveri. Ükskõik, mis seisus.


                            MU440EX on ju slot 1 emaplaat sinna soc 7 peale ei pane(slotketi abil paneb).
                            Isegi omasin seda plaati ja veidike annab klokata ka(266, 300, 333).


                              Kuulge üldse peaks see teema tark- ja riistvara foorumis olema :S
                              Transistor - Seadeldis, mis kaitseb sulavkaitset läbipõlemise eest.
                              Ostan Goldstar MODEL 760 Ressiiveri. Ükskõik, mis seisus.

