Mida tootja reklaamibrozüür ütleb (101); aga eriotstarbeline toode peab olema erimärgistatud, peab olema välistatud mittesihipärane kasutus. Vaadates neid tooteid, siis jääb küsimus: kuidas..
Ka Sky.. serveri otsing ütleb:
Do electricians use push in connectors?
Are push in wire connectors Safe?
Professional electricians almost never use push-in connectors, and there's a reason why. ... Wires in push-in connectors can easily turn in the hole and gradually work their way loose. And the sheer amount of metal-on-metal contact is very, very small with push-in connections, which can lead to overheating of the device.
Olen OSX´iga ühel nõul. Seda on raske ignoreerida.
Scott: suures maailmas tehakse ka nii: (link)
Ka Sky.. serveri otsing ütleb:
Do electricians use push in connectors?
Are push in wire connectors Safe?
Professional electricians almost never use push-in connectors, and there's a reason why. ... Wires in push-in connectors can easily turn in the hole and gradually work their way loose. And the sheer amount of metal-on-metal contact is very, very small with push-in connections, which can lead to overheating of the device.
Olen OSX´iga ühel nõul. Seda on raske ignoreerida.
Scott: suures maailmas tehakse ka nii: (link)