Kunagi aastaid tagasi monteerisin kokku ühe sellise skeemi, isegi töötas päris kenasti. Tookord sai asi kokku pandud targemate antud juhiste järgi, kahjuks pole aga skeemi säilinud. Nüüd joonistasin kokkupandud tüki järgi skeemi maha, loodetavasti õigesti. Probleem seisab selles, et enda mõistus ei jaga seda teemat nii perfektselt, et välja nuputada, kuhu ühendada "+" ja kuhu "-" ! Kas austatud foorumlastel võiks leiduda üks kena vihje?
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Foorumi reeglistik on uuendatud. Palume tutvuda ja arvesse võtta.
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Abi väikse hämaralülitiga
üldist https://www.ariat-tech.com/blog/expl...resistors.html
kompensatsioon mitte küll otseselt LDR-le http://rcvt.tu-sofia.bg/ICEST2005_41.pdf -e.g.- kui mõõte-"silla" üks "paaritatud (ideaal variandis)" valgustundlikest elementidest toppida metallkesta . . . aga siis peaks seda valgustama mikrovõimsusega hõõgpirnist blokeerides soojusvoo . . . = ülemised lingid on kasulikud teiste fotoelementide kasutamise puhul . . .viimati muutis kasutaja ci139; 18 m 2024, 16:10.
arvestades komponentide arvu on mõistlikum kasutada komparaatorit või OV-t sim. → https://tinyurl.com/29owaero
ma enda huvist ladusin enam-vähem mõistliku käitumisega test skeemi kokku mitte eriti usaldusväärses simulaatoris → https://tinyurl.com/24fzjxwk
® tiba muudetult → https://tinyurl.com/27zrb67wviimati muutis kasutaja ci139; 18 m 2024, 20:18.
Semiconductor-based light emitting diodes can be used for photon emission as well as for detection of photons. In this paper, we present a fair comparison between off-the-shelf power Light emitting diodes (LEDs) and a silicon photodetector with respect to their spectral, temporal, and spatial properties. The examined LED series features unexpected good sensitivity and distinct optical bandpass characteristic suitable for daylight filtering or color selectivity. Primary application is short range optical underwater communication, but results are generally applicable.
The experimental observations of the photoelectric effect show the properties of quantum mechanics of the electromagnetic field. For this reason, this important effect is commonly used as an introductory topic for the study of quantum physics. The “classical” demonstration of the photoelectric effect is very incisive; unfortunately, the experimental apparatus is not cheap and easy to realize. The typical use of LEDs is as light emitters, but they can be used even as photosensors and, in this case, they are sensitive to wavelengths equal to or shorter than the predominant wavelength it emits. Furthermore, a LED used as detector is sensitive to wavelengths equal to or shorter than the predominant wavelength it emits. This ability of LEDs offers the possibility of developing a simple tool able to demonstrate the photoelectric effect. This paper describes the realization of an economic, simple, easy and safe system to use for the experimental demonstration of the photoelectric effect, based on the LED to LED structure. The paper has educational purposes, oriented towards laboratory teaching activities.viimati muutis kasutaja ci139; 18 m 2024, 22:20.