Flashisin kunagi oma muvo v200 ja siis küsis, et kas soovite pleierit resetida, vajutasin jah. Peale seda enam pleier pole käima läinud. Kui enne ühendades arvutiga tundis arvuti ära pleieri kui "MuVo V200", siis nüüd tunneb "Player Recovery Device" mis enesest on hea, sest flashida tuleb just selles olekus. Kuid tavalisena enam ei saagi ühendada :/, ning patareiga ühendades pilti ette ei võta. Proovisin siis uuesti flashida, kuid ei leia enam pleierit, ütleb et "pole ühendatud USB-ga", kuigi muidugi on. Pleieri flashijaga on kaasas conf fail, mis ka ütleb, et võib olla vaja seda muuta.
Kes tunneb vähegi WinAPIt, see põhimõtteliselt oskaks mind aidata ju. Mul pole õrna aimugi näiteks mis asi on device instance jne. Veel parem oleks, kes tunneks STMP35x0 kivi hingeelu, pleieri firmware on mul bin failina olemas.
conf fail:
Kes tunneb vähegi WinAPIt, see põhimõtteliselt oskaks mind aidata ju. Mul pole õrna aimugi näiteks mis asi on device instance jne. Veel parem oleks, kes tunneks STMP35x0 kivi hingeelu, pleieri firmware on mul bin failina olemas.
conf fail:
;; StMp3Rec.inf ;; ********* PLEASE READ *********** ;; The wizard cannot create exact INF files for all buses and device types. ;; You may have to make changes to this file in order to get your device to ;; install. In particular, hardware IDs and logical configurations require ;; intervention. ;; ;; The Win2K DDK documentation contains an excellent INF reference. ;--------- Version Section --------------------------------------------------- [Version] Signature="$Windows 95$" Provider=%ProviderName% DriverVer=10/04/2005, 1.655.0.250 ;CatalogFile.NT=StMp3RecNt.cat ; If device fits one of the standard classes, use the name and GUID here, ; otherwise create your own device class and GUID as this example shows. Class=Player_Recovery_Device ClassGUID={9FFF066D-3ED3-4567-9123-8B82CFE1CDD4} ;--------- SourceDiskNames and SourceDiskFiles Section ----------------------- ; These sections identify source disks and files for installation. They are ; shown here as an example, but commented out. [SourceDisksNames] 1 = "Install Disk",Disk1,, [SourceDisksFiles] StMp3Rec.sys = 1,, ;--------- ClassInstall/ClassInstall32 Section ------------------------------- ; Not necessary if using a standard class ; 9X Style [ClassInstall] Addreg=Class_AddReg ; NT Style [ClassInstall32] Addreg=Class_AddReg [Class_AddReg] HKR,,,,%DeviceDesc% HKR,,Icon,,"-53" ;--------- DestinationDirs Section ------------------------------------------- [DestinationDirs] StMp3Rec_Files_Driver = 10,System32\Drivers ;--------- Manufacturer and Models Sections ---------------------------------- [Manufacturer] %MfgName%=Mfg0 [Mfg0] %DeviceDesc%=StMp3Rec_DDI, USB\VID_066F&PID_3410&REV_0083 %DeviceDesc%=StMp3Rec_DDI, USB\VID_066F&PID_3410 %DeviceDesc%=StMp3Rec_DDI, USB\VID_066F&PID_3500 %DeviceDesc%=StMp3Rec_DDI, USB\VID_066F&PID_3600 ;---------- DDInstall Sections ----------------------------------------------- ; --------- Windows 9X ----------------- ; Experimentation has shown that DDInstall root names greater than 19 characters ; cause problems in Windows 98 [StMp3Rec_DDI] CopyFiles=StMp3Rec_Files_Driver AddReg=StMp3Rec_9X_AddReg [StMp3Rec_9X_AddReg] HKR,,DevLoader,,*ntkern HKR,,NTMPDriver,,StMp3Rec.sys ; --------- Windows NT ----------------- [StMp3Rec_DDI.NT] CopyFiles=StMp3Rec_Files_Driver AddReg=StMp3Rec_NT_AddReg [StMp3Rec_DDI.NT.Services] Addservice = StMp3Rec, 0x00000002, StMp3Rec_AddService [StMp3Rec_AddService] DisplayName = %SvcDesc% ServiceType = 1 ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER StartType = 3 ; SERVICE_DEMAND_START ErrorControl = 1 ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL ServiceBinary = %10%\System32\Drivers\StMp3Rec.sys [StMp3Rec_NT_AddReg] ; --------- Files (common) ------------- [StMp3Rec_Files_Driver] StMp3Rec.sys ;---------------------------------------------------------------; ; ; Translated strings appended here during installation after ; determining default language of the host system. [Strings] ProviderName="Player" MfgName="Generic" DeviceDesc="Player Recovery Device" SvcDesc="Player Recovery Device Control Driver"